Burger King
dentsu creative / Freelance senior art director
Deliverables: January 2022 // Organic Social Ideas

Build Your BK Order
This graphic lets people build their meal based on their personal information.
We’ll share it in-feed on Instagram and Facebook for people to respond in the comments with their meals.
We’ll also post the in-feed asset to Stories.
What Your Horoscope Says You Should Order
We’ll create a year-long activation for Instagram that relates BK menu items to different star signs.
Each month, we’ll highlight the horoscope of that season.

Dream Meal M.A.S.H.
We’re bringing M.A.S.H. back! The game that determined all of life’s biggest decisions for you. And now, it’s going to determine what you should order from BK.
We’ll provide people with a M.A.S.H. template that they can screenshot. Then using the built-in Stories editing tools, they can play the game and fill out the template.
From there, they’ll be able to repost to their story and share their M.A.S.H results with their friends. Just like the good ol’ days.
And for those that don’t know about this iconic game, we’ll incorporate a tutorial on how to play.
Ask the Audience
We’ll inspire users to tap into their follower base to help them decide what they should eat.
Meal Teller
Not sure what to eat? Bring in the BK Meal Teller.
We’ll create a timelapse TikTok, starring the lovely Ana Santos, as she puts together a BK Meal Teller (inspired by the famous “Paper Fortune Tellers”).
She’ll fold the game together and then play to reveal what she should order from BK.
(It could be fun to have her play the game AT the drive-up speaker and ask the BK employee to answer the questions for her.)
CELIA HARDICK - Copywriter at Dentsu Creative